I am currently being bullied by Bear Creek Feline Center, they are attempting censor the fact I was trying to achieve reform for the betterment of the center as I was not listened to while I was there, as the old saying goes, money talks, I felt that pointing out the truth would achieve reform and I was correct. I was simply trying to make sure the center does not return to how it has been in the past.
My initial goal was to not harm the center, the animals, or reputation of the center or it's owner as stated by Jim (even if this did come as a side effect) it was in fact to make sure that things do not go to the dogs like they were the day of my departure from the center July 7, 2010. This was not a "Malicious attack", it was an attempted "wake up call". From what I have heard it has worked, but during my time at the center most if not all were fact, and anything else is either false information From Jim himself, or a simple mistake on my part such was the case involving the Legality of Billie Lambert's possession of a bobcat while "waiting on her license to be approved".
However any and all losses of donations from BCFC involving me compared to last year can simply be written off as I have ceased sending people to the center as I did during my time there, and his own choices of not giving as many tours. and lets note as such any losses before the date of May 8th, 2011 can not be connected to me as I posted the blog in question on this date. I wholly believe that the only people who visit this blog are me and people Jim has sent to it to help "stomp out the uglyness" which is misspelled, just for a note.
As a retired internet troll, if I wished to "maliciously attack" him I would be able to do a much better job.
Lets also note if I was wishing to ruin Bear Creek's "good name" I would have posted this blog a full year earlier. As stated in many other blogs I in my younger years was a troll a fact I am not entirely proud of but I do not attempt to hide it and while I still have the "skills" I have retired from such actions.
I will state that Jim has refused my multiple offers to speak of this in person to handle this properly, and that everything that he is claiming to sue me for, he actually did (or attempted to do) the very same thing, as seen on his blog posted in January of 2010:
He is seen here using the Blogger Name "big cat rescue" which in the words of his own attorney "is construed as trade name infringement" and is "fraudulent use of their business identify and copyright materials" of course he was talking to me using those words but my point remains.
(If these Webpages go down I will gladly supply screenshots, and even saved .html files of them upon request)
This was a one among many things Jim requested his employees to do in order to "Help defeat Big Cat Rescue" in an email campaign to his "friends" among with other things, He even set up a (Denied) Sponsored Link Campaign with Google. I submit that I learned these tactics from my then Male Role Model and as I have had no father in my life I am prone to learn from people I see as respectable, including their bad traits.
However, due to the fact I am currently involving the Authorities in the various harassing, and threatening "Anonymous" comments I for now have to refuse to remove such blogs. At least until the investigations are dealt with. I will remove these blogs after either after the investigations involving them are resolved or they are dismissed.
Have a nice day,
Stephen Swift
Note: Logs and copies of emails and images will be sent/forwarded at the request of any one wishing to inquire, I have logs dating back to 1/30/10.
It has also been brought to my attention that Jim is still using my mother's name in relation to his website despite our requests to remove it. Why should I comply with his "orders" when he has refused ours.
I am still open to an in person discussion of the removal of such but as it has been refused before I am doubting such will occur.
Legal Note: As this is occurring and I am stating my opinion of such and my side in this post I believe this is not considered libel. All past posts involving BCFC are for archival purposes, and will remain until the Law Enforcement Agencies no longer need it to obtain the information they need from said comments. Removal of such would be classified as destruction of evidence. And as you stated I have ten days to play around with. I'll be fine waiting until the last moment for I do have a life to attend to other than your attempts at censorship of the truth, at least during the time I was at the center.
Oh and I denied the comment you tried to post because it contained personal information (my street address), if I were you I wouldn't attempt such again.
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