Hello Friends, Enemies... Unaligned Neutrals.
I come to you today with new on both sides of the spectrum.
My time of "Glory" with this site was heavily set in the year 2011. Here in the Year 2017 I have grown up to find a lot of my previous posts detrimental to my newest ventures.
While I offer no retractions on statements deemed by some to be damaging (while at the time truthful) and still stand by my claims both good and bad I cannot continue to update this page.
I just will keep these posts outdated as they may be here just as a reference of the times past.
If you would like to see what I'm currently up to please go to Piece Of Scrap Props I may occasionally update that page with some blogs reviewing places I go things I see as I did here, but this will not be my main focus. It's been a wild ride here, I was even threatened with a lawsuit, boy that was fun.
I will say for those of my friends in the Bay County area (since my real friends are most likely into the same stuff I am) If you haven't already you need to go to Panama City Creative Con
This is by far one of the better cons I've been to. I have found both new friends, and old, even some dating back to Elementary School. If you're looking for a "First Timer" con because you don't want to go to a huge convention such as Metrocon, MegaCon or the Big Show, Comic Con in San Diego This con is for you! Last year (2016) it expanded to 2 days.
Well again I'll see you around.